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by True Digidestined Kitty

In a land where peace is dreamt of, but not always granted, three angles set their eyes on the helpless people. The three angles of tranquillity, harmony and joy, as the mass killings raged, took pity on the people of the land of Calma. Those who were pure of heart were given a gift. Their children would be great warriors, the likes of that no one had ever seen before. As they grew up, each in different societies, they all shared he same power, the power of ‘Evolving.’ This meant that at first, as the children discovered, they possessed the ability, they could also transform into creatures, powerful and skilled. At first, their power was too great but over sometime they each learned to control it. Each child, with their unique abilities, controlled the powers and became mighty warriors.

The angel’s doings were not unnoticed though, and an ancient evil resurfaced, to balance the power until good or evil became victor. The evil harnessed it’s own creatures and a race was bred from hatred.

Now as evil has begun to rise, the time dawns for the children’s tests …


Name: Kari

Age: 18

Power: Controls/Senses human actions

Animal: Cat then Angel

Sword: Sword of Light


Name: Tai

Age: 20

Power: Great strength

Animal: Dinosaur

Sword: sword of Courage


Name: Mimi

Age: 20

Power: Plant Fairy

Animal: Controls nature


Name: Ryo

Age: 19

Power: Controls weather

Animal: Dragon

Sword: sword of Revenge


Name: Henry

Age: 19

Power: Can become invisible

Animal: Rabbit

Sword: sword of Wisdom


Name: TK

Age: 18

Power: Has the ability to fly

Animal: Angel

Sword: sword of Hope


Name: Matt

Age: 20

Power: Can materialize/control objects

Animal: Wolf

Sword: sword of Friendship


Name: Sora

Age: 20

Power: Heals

Animal: Bird


Name: Rika

Age: 19

Power: Teleportation

Animal: Fox

Sword: sword of Silence


Name: Takuya

Age: 19

Power: Controls fire

Animal: Lizard

Sword: sword of Immortality


Name: Kouji

Power: Can mimic anything

Animal: Beowulfmon

Identity: Angel of harmony


Name: Zoë

Power: Controls wind

Animal: Zephrmon

Identity: Angel of joy


Name: Kouichi

Power: Can see into and control the future

Animal: Lowemon

Identity: Angel of tranquillity


Name: Alice

Age: 18

Power: Can talk to animals

Animal: Dog


Chapter One.

Thunder and Objections

Kari looked out through her small window to the fields below the castle walls. The moat had long since dried up. Obviously Ryo was still mad at the king and queen. It hadn’t rained in months. He enjoyed it, having his parents unaware of his powers. Kari loved her brother and sister. Both were older than she was, but only by a year. Kari looked again over fields and saw the blue mountains in the distance. She longed to be able to get out and see the kingdom, have an adventure, but since the wars had become fierce it was not safe for her to leave the kingdom. If only her parents knew that she could look after herself, the power she had. Then they would have let her go. Kari heard voices coming down her hall to her chamber. She smiled to herself as the voices came nearer.

“NO RYO! I WILL NOT DO IT! No matter how hard you beg I shan’t!” cried a female’s voice.

A male’s voice answered this. “Come on Mimi, I know you can do it!”

“Nothing I grow will survive unless you make it rain for heavens sake! Please Ryo, make it rain! For me, your sister…”

Kari’s door opened and into the room came her sister Mimi and their brother Ryo. All three siblings had brown hair, but each had different eyes. Kari were urban, Mimi’s emerald and Ryo’s cerulean. Ryo and Mimi had made jokes about Kari’s eyes, saying how they looked like cat’s eyes. Kari didn’t mind, she thought her eyes were cute. Mimi was wearing a dark, velvet green dress, much like Kari’s pale pink one. Ryo wore a dark blue shirt and black pants.

“Kari, tell Ryo to make it rain!” begged Mimi as she came hurriedly towards Kari. Ryo shut the door and advanced towards the girls.

“Mimi, I am trying to teach mother and father a lesson. Don’t you want to be able to get out of the castle?” asked Ryo, pointing to the window.

Mimi shook her head. “Why should I want that? Everything gets brought to me here and besides, out there, there are bandits. Haven’t you heard of the ‘Midnight Wolves?” Mimi asked.

“Yes, but that is not the point Mimi. I want to be free, don’t you Kari?”

Kari looked from one sibling to another. They always did this.

“I do want to explore the land but it is dangerous.”

Ryo laughed, “Dangerous? I would call you dangerous! You could make me jump off the tower for goodness sake! You can make anyone do anything!”

“But, Kari is nice, she wouldn’t do that! PLEASE RYO! Make it rain! My garden is dying!”

“On one condition, you make a forest grow right around the castle, so I can go exploring!”

Mimi glanced outside the window. Then she sighed. “Fine! But only if you make it rain!”

“And not for twenty days like you did last time!” said Kari, smiling at her brother.

Ryo seemed a little disappointed, but he soon smiled again and nodded his head. Kari was always in the middle of the two trying to calm them down. She could have forced them to be calm, but she never liked to use her powers on anyone, that time would come. Until that day Kari trained with her brother. Ryo was the chief of the town’s defences and often went into battle. He was never hurt because he controlled the weather. If he wanted to kill someone, he could hit them with a lightning bolt. Kari laughed at the thought of bandits running away from lightning.

‘I wish something exciting would happen around here.’ She thought.

Ryo walked around Kari’s room for a bit and then turned to the door after saying that he wanted to train some more.

Mimi huffed. “Why do you two have to train all day, it’s not like we are going to save the kingdom or anything like that!”

Kari smiled at her sister. Mimi was not lazy, she just preferred letting others do her work. Growing up as a princess didn’t make things easier. Their parents were king and queen Kamiya and tried to protect their land as best they could. Many wars raged around them, including the ones between Ryo and Mimi, but they always found someway to make peace, eventually. The only problem was that not many days later, a new war would arise. They had their hands full with the kingdom and so scarcely ever got a chance to see their children, except at dinner. Mimi had plopped down on Kari’s bed and was talking away, even tough no one was listening. After a few minutes however, Mimi got up and said that she had something to take care of. Kari hugged her sister as Mimi left the room. Kari wondered what Mimi could need to do. After Mimi had closed the door, Kari went back to her window. She sighed as the sun began to set. Kari glanced back at her closed door and decided to go and train some more with Ryo. She quickly changed from her dress to her white, tight fitting top with strips of pink around the edges and pink pants. She left her room quietly as it was becoming late and she didn’t want her parents to know where is she was. She walked passed Mimi’s room and heard Mimi humming a tune to herself.

‘I wonder why she is so happy now? Something is going on.’ Kari thought, but she concentrated on getting outside silently.

Kari neared the back door and opened it to find Ryo, a little way off, shooting with his bow. Kari walked up the small hill towards him. On the slightly yellow grass, she saw her own bow.

‘Ryo must have wanted me to come. But I thought I was the one who controlled decisions!’ she chuckled to herself.

Kari walked up to her bow and carefully picked it up. She then walked to take a spot next to Ryo, steadied her bow and aimed through one eye. Once she had found the target she launched the arrow. It flew through the air and almost hit the bull’s eye.

“Aw, too bad little sister. Better luck next time.” He added, hitting a bull’s eye on his target.

Kari huffed, but picked up another arrow from Ryo’s quiver and aimed. It flew straight to the bull’s eye and stuck fast.

“Are you sure you can’t control the arrow as well!” joked Ryo.

Kari raised one of her eyebrows and playfully hit Ryo on the arm. “Hey, that was all natural. But, Ryo, speaking of unnatural things, why is Mimi so happy suddenly?” she asked.

Ryo turned to face her, with a confused expression, “Don’t you know Kari? Mimi is getting married!”

Kari went white, “WHAT?” she cried.

Ryo cringed at the volume of the shout, “Why are you so surprised, mother and father told us at dinner, or did you not hear anything?”

Kari thought for a moment, “At dinner, I was thinking of other things, I didn’t even hear mother and father leave the table! Who is she marring?”

“Some young prince of the next kingdom. His name is Tai.”

Kari stared hopelessly at the target. ‘Why did I not hear this! Mimi can’t marry some stranger. She can’t leave me and you!’

Ryo had just made another bull’s eye when Kari ran down the hill.

“HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?” Ryo shouted after her.

“TO SEE MIMI!” Kari answered.

Ryo smiled and then shook his head with a slight frown, ‘I sure am gonna miss Mimi, and Kari…’ He sighed.


Kari ran through the outside door, not even bothering to close it. She ran down the corridor, down a flight of stairs and turned to Mimi’s hallway. She stopped running now and walked briskly to Mimi’s room. When she reached the door she heard Mimi humming again. She knocked once and then went in. Mimi turned around, a little startled to see Kari. Mimi was standing on a stage, looking into a circular mirror. Around her were maids, measuring her.

“Kari? Is something wrong?” Mimi asked with a look of concern on her beautiful face.

“Ryo said that you were getting married! Is this true Mimi?” asked Kari.

Mimi smiled softly and nodded. “Kari, were you not listening at dinner?”

“Obviously not. But Mimi, you can’t leave me here with only Ryo to occupy me! If you do get married, I thought that you would still live in the castle, even when you did get married!” cried Kari, starting to cry.

Mimi stepped off the stage and walked quietly to her sister.

“You may leave.” Mimi said to the maids.

They bowed and walked quickly out the door, closing it behind them.

“Kari, one day this would have happened. I can’t be around you forever.”

Kari sniffed, “But…You’re my sister!”

“I know Kari, and I will always love you, but it is my duty to marry Tai. Our marriage will unify both kingdoms.”

“Mimi, you always said you would marry for love, not obligation! Have you even seen Tai before?” asked Kari.

Mimi shook her head but smiled sweetly at her younger sister, “Kari, you are eighteen, I am twenty, it is time that we got married. I am sure that I will be happy with Tai, just like you will be with Henry…”

Kari stopped her at this last comment, “Who is Henry? What are you talking about Mimi?”

Mimi looked surprised, “Where were you at dinner, I am betrothed to Tai, and you are betrothed to Prince Henry of Halla”

“No I am not, I have never even heard of him!” objected Kari.

“Well, that’s what mother and father said, if you want to, go to them, but it will do no good. Both prince’s are arriving very soon.”

Kari gasped and ran out of the room after thanking Mimi.

‘How could I have not heard this? I am getting married to someone I have never even met before!’ Kari thought.

Kari ran in silence to her parent’s chambers. She reached the door, made herself more presentable and knocked.

“ENTER!” said a voice from within.

Kari breathed deeply and entered. Her parents were sitting on separate chairs, reading or signing papers.

“Kari, what is it honey?” asked her mother. Her mother was wearing royal red robes with a golden v-neck.

“Mother, father, is it true that Mimi and I are betrothed to prince’s from neighbouring countries?” Kari asked, trying to be as polite as possible, they were her parents, but they were the king and queen of Calma.

Her mother looked slightly puzzled, “Yes Kari, we told you this evening at dinner. Were you not listening?”

‘No I was not!’ thought Kari, but out loud she said, “No, mother. But I object to this decision. I have never seen Henry, how can I love him?”

Kari’s father now spoke, “LOVE? Who said anything about love? It is your duty, and you shall accept him!”

“How?” asked Kari, getting angry.

“Don’t worry honey, I am sure that he is a nice young man.” Said the queen.

“I don’t care. I want to marry whom I choose, and it will be when I am in love!” shouted Kari.


Kari started to cry. She turned and ran out of the open door, without bothering to close it again. The queen looked sternly at her husband.

“Harold, that was not right!” she said.

“I don’t give a damn, I am the king!” he said, punching his fist on the arm of his chair.

“Yes Harold, but you are also her father.” Corrected the queen.

“I suppose you are right, but you know with these children, you have to be stern with them, Jasmine.”

The queen sighed. ‘I know, but she is unhappy. My little Kari…I wish there was some way that you could get out of this…’


Kari sprinted to her bedroom. She slammed the door behind her and collapsed on her soft bed, crying.

“Why do I have to marry?” she sobbed out loud.

A voice answered her, “It’s your duty.”

Kari looked up, eyes red and saw her dear brother.

“Why Ryo? Why?” She sobbed louder.

Ryo came and sat down next to her and put a comforting hand around Kari’s shoulders. “I am sure that everything will be alright. We’ll see each other sometimes, and it is not as if you will be going away forever.”

Kari still cried on. Ryo couldn’t say anything to make her happy, so he just hugged her. She held onto him, and sobbed harder. Ryo patted her head and then rested his own head on hers.

A group of horses appeared over the hill. They sighted the castle and breathed signs of relief. They had made it without loosing any men on the dangerous journey to the kingdom of Calma. At the head of the group were two princes. One had blue hair and wore a green travelling cloak, the other had brown hair and wore and orange travelling cloak. The men around these two either wore green or orange armour, protecting their heirs.

“Well Henry, we made it.” Said the man with brown hair, beckoning to his companion.

The other man nodded, “Yes Tai, we have.”

Together they lead their guards to the castle entrance where soldiers wearing red met them. The guards let them in and a messenger ran ahead to warn the royal family.

“THEY ARE HERE! GOOD LORD, HURRY, BE PRESENTABLE, KARI, MIMI, THEY ARE HERE!” cried the queen’s voice as she scampered up and down the halls. Kari looked up. She was still in Ryo’s arms but now he had let go and stood up.

“Get ready Kari, I’ll close the door.” Said Ryo.

He didn’t wait for a reply, but went through the door and closed it gently behind him. Kari sniffed and dried her eyes with her hand. She went to her wardrobe and got out the pink dress that she had been wearing earlier. She put it on as quickly as she could, all the while sniffing and rubbing her eyes. Once she was dressed, she went to her basin and wash her face, desperately trying to get rid of the red patches around her eyes. She dried her face with a nearby towel and sighed.

‘I am about to meet my future husband…’ she thought.

A knock sounded on her door and she went to open it. Mimi was standing there in a green and gold dress, smiling.

“Are you ready Kari?” she asked.

Kari gave a nervous nod and took her sisters arm. Together they walked down the corridor and the stairs to the throne room. Voices were issuing from the closed doors. Each girl stopped, took a breath and knocked. A voice allowed them access and the doors were opened. Inside the king and queen sat upon their thrones. In front of them were two strange men standing with Ryo. Mimi smiled elegantly and began to walk forward. Kari stalled and then followed.

“Ah, here are my daughters gentlemen. My eldest is Mimi, and my youngest, Kari.”

Mimi and Kari bowed. They stood next to Ryo, facing the two men.

“Mimi, this is Tai.” Said Ryo taking Mimi’s hand and leading her to the man who wore orange. Mimi curtsied and Tai bowed. Tai took Mimi’s hand and kissed it softly. A slight blush crept over Mimi’s face. Ryo turned around and walked to Kari who stood still as if she were wooden.

“Don’t worry, something will happen, I’m sure…” whispered Ryo to Kari.

Kari breathed deeply and then gave Ryo her hand.

“Kari, this is Henry.” Said Ryo, leading Kari to the man in green. To Kari, he seemed slightly unhappy, but she didn’t dare to ask why. Henry took her hand and kissed it like Mimi’s, but no blush came to Kari.

“You may leave. Mimi and Kari shall escort you to your chambers. We shall discuss the other details tomorrow. Good night.” Said the king, as the doors opened and the two couples went out, led by Ryo.

Ryo at first lead them to the guest chambers, but half way there he excused himself. As he passed Kari she stared at him, eyes narrowing slightly, cursing him under her breath. Mimi and Tai now lead the way. They were talking and laughing with each other.

‘I’m glad that she is happy…’ thought Kari bitterly. She glanced up at Henry. ‘At least he is handsome…What am I thinking? I have to find a way to get out of this.’ Kari thought desperately.

Mimi had arrived at Tai’s chamber. They took their leave and together went through the door. Kari then, nervously led the way to Henry’s chamber.

‘I hope that he doesn’t expect me to stay with him tonight.’ Kari politely opened the door and showed Henry around his chamber. When she had finished she smiled and turned to leave, but Henry stopped her.

“Kari, please don’t go yet, I have got to ask you something.” Said Henry, a note of urgency in his deep voice.

Kari was bewildered, but stopped and turned to face him. Henry paced the room a bit and then came to Kari.

“You don’t seem too happy, and I can understand why. I was also forced into this by my parents, like you were, but this is not right. We have to do something.” Finished Henry, looking honestly into her eyes.

Kari nodded quickly, “I feel that way too, but…What can we do. No offence, you are a nice guy and all, but I want to marry the man that I choose to marry.”

Henry nodded understandingly. “I know what you mean, back home, I was in, love, but my parents would never have approved for a prince to marry a common girl, especially one like Alice…” Henry trailed off.

“You miss her, don’t you?” Kari asked, a little more relaxed.

Henry simply nodded.

“What was special about her?” asked Kari.

Henry stalled for a moment. “I don’t know if I should tell you, but,” he looked down at Kari’s innocent face, “I guess I could trust you.”

Kari smiled, “You don’t have to but, it helps to share a burden.”

“She is no burden, only an angel. But…She and I are different. We can do things that no one else can do.”

Kari’s eyes widened. “You mean like a special ability that you can control?” she asked getting more excited.

Henry looked mystified, “How do you…”

Kari cut him off, “Me, Ryo and Mimi are like that too!” she cried.

Henry smiled surprised. “That is strange, maybe we were meant to meet then.”

Kari shrugged, “So what can you and Alice do?” she asked noisily.

“Well, I can become invisible, it helps when I wanted to sneak out the castle. And Alice, who has always been an animal lover, can communicate with any animal she wishes.”

Kari’s eyes widened. “Awesome! Ryo can control weather, that’s why it is so dry here, he’s mad at my parents,”

Henry laughed.

“And Mimi controls nature, so she can make anything grow, any where!”

Henry smiled again, “And what can you do?” he asked.

“Me? Oh, I have never done it before, but I can either control or sense human emotions and actions.”

Henry seemed to glance away when Kari said that.

“Don’t be afraid, I have never done it before, I don’t even know why I can do it. It’s not me. I don’t like forcing people to do what they don’t want to do.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you, but that is quiet a dangerous power, you know.”

Kari nodded and fiddled with her dress for a moment.

“So, now I know your power, but what do you turn into?” asked Henry.

Kari looked at Henry, confused, “Excuse me?” she said.

“You know, you use your power to turn into an animal.” Henry stopped, seeing the bewildered look on Kari’s face, “Maybe you can’t do that yet, but watch me.”

Henry steeped back and closed his eyes. A green glow began to form around him. Kari looked away as the light intensified. When it was gone, she looked back at Henry, to find a small white rabbit in his place.

“Cool!” said Kari, kneeling down to see Henry better.

“Can you talk like that?” asked Kari, motioning to the rabbit.

The rabbit shook it’s head.

“Oh, but you can hear and understand me?” asked Kari.

The rabbit nodded in reply.

Suddenly Henry glowed and Kari closed her eyes. Henry transformed back into a human. Kari found herself staring at Henry’s knees and hurriedly stood up.

“Wow, I can’t wait till I can do that! I wonder what sort of animal I’ll be?”

“We can guess. Let’s see…you control actions, or maybe manipulate them. What kind of animal could manipulate a human?”

Kari closed her eyes and thought about it. “Are you sure it will be an animal, ‘cause it could be a mythical creature, you know, like an angel, or something.”

Henry nodded thoughtfully. His eyes turned to the open window and as he looked up at the moon he sighed, “God, I miss Alice.”

Kari hesitated, but then walked up to Henry and gently hugged him, “I’ll help you get back to her.”

Henry was shocked to begin with, but noting that Kari was a year younger than him, and he was in love with someone else, he couldn’t see the harm in hugging her back. When they parted Kari had another question for Henry.

“How did you find out that you could turn into a rabbit?” she asked.

Henry frowned and then light dawned on him and he relayed his tale. He and Alice had been walking in a near by forest, when they were attacked by an evil band of robbers. Henry instinctively had shielded Alice and then turned invisible. He had forgot to touch a part of her so she would be invisible too. The robbers had started to attack her when a sea of anger and rage had risen up in Henrys chest. He suddenly had great power and was able to defeat the five bandits while Alice lay hurt on the floor.

“When they were all lying on the floor I heard shouts and more appeared. I willed my self to escape. Alice held my hand and…We turned into animals, I being a rabbit and she being a great dog. In animal forms we were able to escape safely.”

Kari stared at him, “How could you have defeated five bandits all by yourself?”

“Our abilities must also give us fighting powers. Your brother is a soldier isn’t he?” asked Henry, an idea dawning.

Kari nodded, “He is the leader of our defence.”

“He is an excellent fighter isn’t he?”

Kari nodded again.

“He must have learnt to tap into his power. Does your sister fight?”

Kari laughed, “Mimi? She only fights with my parents for new clothes or with Ryo ‘cause none of her plants are surviving!”

Henry laughed loudly.

Suddenly a knock sounded on the closed door. Kari jumped and Henry gave leave for the person to enter. The door opened slowly, creaking slightly, and Ryo’s head appeared around the door.

“Sorry to disturb you, but, Kari, I need to talk with you.”

Kari nodded and said good night to Henry.

‘They seem to be getting along alright, but I still don’t think that Kari wants to marry this guy. I’d better get her away from him.’ Thought Ryo, struggling to smile warmly.

Kari walked out of the door and Henry closed it quickly behind her.

“What?” asked Kari.

“What, what?” asked Ryo.

Kari sighed, “What do you want to talk about?”

Ryo pulled a face, “I don’t need to talk to you, I was just getting you away from ‘Prince Charming’ over there.” Said Ryo.

They started walking down the hallway towards the castle doors.

“Henry is not my ‘Prince Charming.’ He is a good friend, and he doesn’t want to get married either. He is going to help me stop our wedding.” Said Kari as she lit a lamp on the wall, took it off it’s hinges so they could walk with light surrounding them.

Ryo raised his eyebrow, “Are you sure?”

Kari nodded furiously. She then remembered something, “Oh Ryo! Guess what!”

“What?” asked Ryo in false excitement.

“Stop it! Henry is one of us!” Kari squeaked.

“One of who?”

Kari hit him on the shoulder, “He has powers too! But the cool thing is, he can turn into a rabbit!”

Ryo mockingly felt Kari’s forehead.

“Ryo, stop this! I am serious!”

“Well, so am I. He can turn into a rabbit? No wonder you don’t want to marry him. He sounds like a freak.”

“That Ryo,” said Kari angrily, “Was not nice at all. Henry is a great guy, but he has a girlfriend. Anyways, he can turn invisible, like you control weather, and so using his special powers, he can transform into a rabbit! Cool hey!”

Ryo stopped. “What’s the big deal?”

Kari stopped and stared at him, her mouth hanging open, “The deal? The deal is he can turn into a rabbit. That is so amazing!”

Ryo started walking again. “I still don’t see what is so great about it. I can also do that.”

Kari ran to catch up with him, “You can turn into an animal too? When did this happen?”

Ryo shrugged, “I guess, a while ago. Come, I’ll show you.”

Ryo started jogging to the castle entrance. Kari placed the lit lamp on the floor and followed. Once they were through the doors, he turned to the left and sprinted around the outside wall, careful to avoid guards. Around a corner Kari gasped at the sight that had met her eyes. A huge forest now stood at a far corner of the castle grounds.

“Mimi, you did great, it’s perfect!” shouted Ryo back at Kari who was struggling slightly to ran fast in a long dress.

“Mimi did all this?” shouted Kari.

“Yeah, I asked her, remember?”

“Yeah!” Kari answered back at him.

Ryo shook his head and kept running. Through the first layers of trees Kari started to feel strange.

‘Something is not right. I can feel that someone is coming, and not with just intentions.’ Thought Kari, glancing form side to side.

The trees were too thick to see through, but she strained her eyes in vain.

They reached a clearing and Ryo finally stooped. Kari stopped to catch her breath.

“Right, watch.” Said Ryo.

Kari looked up in time to see Ryo glowing purple, like Henry. The colour that filled Ryo’s form began to grow, unlike Henry’s, which had shrunken.

Kari couldn’t help screaming gently. Instead of her friendly brother, a large metal looking dragon arose, shaking his purple mane. Kari froze as the creature looked at her. Kari was surprised to find herself looking into gentle blue eyes.

“Wow Ryo, that was…amazing! So it is not only animals, but also mythical creatures, wow!” Kari timidly advanced to her enormous brother. He closed his eyes as she began to stroke his thick mane. As Kari stroked the huge creature she seemed to relax. She was safe. As long as she was with her brother, she could do anything.

“Um…Ryo?” she timidly asked the dragon.

The dragon looked meaningfully at her.

“Well, I was just wondering. Can you fly?”

The dragon seemed to smile. Slowly Ryo nodded his great head.

“Cool! Look, I know that I am sounding so childish, but seeing as you are, still, my big brother, and it’s dark, could you fly me to my window, it’s open.”

The dragon smiled wider and nodded.

Kari jumped up with excitement, clapping her hands. Then the dragon bent it’s front two feet. Kari gulped and gingerly tried to climb onto the dragon’s thin back. Eventually she managed and gripped tightly to Ryo’s mane.

“OK, I’m ready.” She said bracing herself for take off.

The dragon rose off it’s feet and without wings aiding it, began to float. Kari gripped more tightly and started closing her eyes, when they were suddenly above the treetops without her realizing it. Ryo glided smoothly up to Kari’s window. A single light lit the dark chamber. Ryo neared the window and Kari half climbed, half fell through her large window. Once she had regained her ability to stand she gave Ryo a kiss on the nose and said good night. Ryo winked at her and began to glide away to the left, to his chamber.

Kari smiled out the window for a while, as her eyes scanned the land around her, and the new forest, Kari saw shadows moving in and out of the woods. She watched them for a moment and then walked back inside. ‘I don’t sense any wrong from them, they are probably animals moving into Mimi’s forest.’

A noise outside sound forced Kari to turn back to the window. As she stuck her head out a drop of rain fell onto her auburn hair. She looked up to the sky and saw that dark, storm clouds had started to form overhead, and the unmistakable smell of new rain hung in the damp air. Another raindrop fell, and another. Two more landed on Kari’s windowsill as she drew her head back inside. A crash of thunder sounded, urging the clouds to open up and let delicate drops fall softly to the dry ground.

‘At least Ryo kept his side of the forest deal.’ Thought Kari as she went to her bed. A maid had pulled back the covers and Kari’s tired eyes longed for darkness. She yawned and dressed into her pale pink nightgown.

‘Funny, everything I own is pink…’ she thought to herself.

She discarded her dress onto the floor messily and laid out her white and pink outfit for tomorrow. She turned one last time to the window and dragged her tired body back to the window to close it. As she neared it, a mysterious sound echoed through the night air. The wind-chime was ringing. Kari glanced, confused out the window, but felt no wind, yet the wind-chime continued to ring loudly. Kari quickly closed the window, heart beginning to gain momentum.

‘It’s ok, it’s just a silly wind-chime.’ She said to herself and cautiously climbed into bed. She lay there, eyes wide open for a while, listening to the increasingly raging storm, listening to the sound of her thundering heart. Slowly weariness took hold of her and she drifted into an uneasy sleep, unaware of the events occurring outside…



The shadows neared the castle walls. Three forms gathered beneath the stones of the walls and began their plan. One figure glowed a pale blue and vanished. The other two nodded at each other, one started glowing yellow and two feathery, white wings grew from it’s back, the third gabbed hold of it’s friends arms, and was lifted to the top of the castle.

Back in the shadows of the forest a fourth figure stood, rain dripping down his dark hair, two dark blue eyes glistened in the rain, his face smiled.

“The test has began.” He said to the air. He closed his eyes, glowed dark purple and was gone.

Somewhere inside the castle, Kari rolled over, her dreams troubled by invisible foes.


Let’s go back

Back to the beginning

Back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned


‘Cause perfect

Didn’t feel so perfect

Tryin’ to fit a square into a circle was no life

I defy

Let the rain fall down

And wake my dreams

Let it wash away, my sanity

‘Cause I wanna feel the thunder

I wanna scream

Let the rain fall down

I’m coming clean

I’m coming clean

I’m shedding

Shedding every colour

Tryin’ to find a pigment of truth beneath my skin


‘Cause different

Didn’t feel so different

Going out is better than always staying in
Feel the wind


Let the rain fall down

And wake my dreams

Let it wash away, my sanity

‘Cause I wanna hear the thunder

I wanna scream

Let the rain fall down

I’m coming clean

I’m coming clean


I’m coming (Rain…Fall…Down) clean


Let the rain fall

Let the rain fall

I’m coming clean

Let the rain fall down

And wake my dreams

Let it wash away, my sanity

‘Cause I wanna feel the thunder

I wanna scream

Let the rain fall down

I’m coming clean




I’m coming clean



I’m coming clean

Let the rain fall

Let the rain fall

Let the rain fall

I’m coming clean


Lets go back, back to the beginning

(Song by Hilary Duff)

Nothing much as far as I know. D:
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