Season 1, Episode 37: "Wizardmon's Gift"

Original Air Date:

English Version Written By:

Transcribed by: Vande (

Matt: Kari don't! You don't know what you’re doing! You can't give yourself up to Myotismon! He'll destroy you and gain control over both worlds! Kari NO! [Phantomon engulfs Kari in a floating purple sphere and takes her away.]

[Back in the abandoned building, Matt slams his fist in the wall, not believing what happened.]

Sora: It's not your fault.

Matt: Yes it is, I blew it. Tai asked me to protect her and I couldn't. I let everyone down.

Sora: Alright Matt, it seems to me there are two things you can do about this. Number one you can stand there and beat yourself up about the whole thing or number two we can find a way to rescue Kari. What's it gonna be?

Matt: Your right, let's get her.

[On the streets, Tai and Agumon are running towards the Convention Center.]

Tai: Hurry Agumon the convention center is up ahead. That's where my parents are being held prisoner and keep an eye out for Myotismon. Huh? What's that?

[Inside the Convention Center.]

Myotismon: Well Gatomon is this the Eighth Child?

[Gatomon shakes her head. Demidevimon flies in]

Demidevimon: Myotismon! You'll love this boss I found the Eighth Digidestined.

Myotismon: You did?

Mimi: What?! How'd he do it?"

Gatomon (thinking): Oh no, not Kari

Myotismon: Hear that? It's over. I have no need for these little brats anymore.

Demidevimon: Right, what should I do to them oh evil one

Myotismon: Make them go to sleep, I'll find a way to deal with them later.

[Demidevimon puts the children to sleep with that Myotismon flies off with Gatomon being carried by in his hand.]

[Tai and Agumon see Myotismon.]

Tai: It’s Myotismon.

Agumon: Where could he be going.

[Inside the convention center Mimi’s crest glows and wakes her up.]

Mimi: Oh uh.

[Tai and Agumon reach the Convention Center and they are running to find everyone. A group of Bakemon all head toward them making the Bakemon noise.]

Agumon: Agumon digivolve to

Greymon: Greymon, Nova Blast

[The Bakemon and destroyed.]

Tai: They didn't stand a ghost of a chance

[Mimi walks through the door.]

Mimi: Tai you made it inside

Tai: Mimi, where are the others

Mimi: They're all fast asleep, Myotismon put them all under some kind of spell; since he found the Eighth Child.

Tai: Oh no, that means he has Kari!

Mimi: Kari?

Tai: Come on let's go.

[Matt’s Dad and Izzy are in the TV station and Izzy looks through the window.]

Izzy: Hey it's Matt and Sora.

Matt's Dad: What Matt what's he doing here? Ah! monsters

Izzy: Actually sir, the technical name is Digimon. You see they are not like the pretend monsters you see in old movies destroying a bunch of Japanese cities. Hey well, maybe that's a bad example but anyway. The Digimon Matt is riding on is definitely on our side.

Matt's Dad: What do you mean on our side?.

Izzy: You see there's good Digimon and bad Digimon. The Good Digimon are our friends, just like Tentomon here.

Tentomon: I'm more than good, I'm exceptional.

Matt Dad: I wouldn't dare doubt ya.

[Out at sea, Zudomon is carrying Joe, TK, Patamon and an unconscious Wizardmon.]

Tk: But Joe, why does Wizardmon have a tag and a crest.

Joe: He said it belonged to the Eighth Digi Destined. You think it could be true.

Wizardmon stirs and begins to wake up.

Tk: Are you ok?

Wizardmon: Huh? Who are you?"

Tk: I'm Tk nice to meet you.

Wizardmon: Kari! Where's Kari?

Tk: Who's Kari?

Wizardmon: You've got to give this crest to Kari.

Joe: You mean you want us to give this to Tai's little sister Kari? But if we need to deliver this crest to Tai's sister Kari...but that must mean she's the Eighth Digidestined child we've been looking for all along

Tk: Gee, I'm always the last one to find out.

Wizardmon: We have no time to waste, Kari and Gatomon need this crest.

Joe: Gatomon

Tk: But she's one of the bad Digimon that work for Myotismon.

Joe: Are you saying that Gatomon is one of the good guys

Wizardmon: Exactly.

[At the Communication Center Izzy and Matt's Dad wait for Matt and Sora.]

Izzy: Matt! Sora! Hey you guys!

Sora: Izzy, what are you doing here?

Matt Dad: Matt

Matt: Dad.

Matt Dad: I told you to stay out of sight.

Matt: I'm sorry Dad.

[Garurumon's enormous head lowers and sees Matt's Dad.]

Garurumon: Hello Matt's Dad, good to see you again.

Matt Dad: What do you mean again? Who are you? Have we

Garurumon: You know me, I digivolved from Gabumon.

Matt Dad: Gabumon? That's you?

Tk: Hey

Sora: Joe, Tk.

Matt Dad: Tk

Tk: Daddy

Matt Dad: Tk, what are you doing here?

Tk: When I saw all that stuff on television, I just couldn't stay home anymore. Mom wanted to come too, but we couldn't bring her.

Matt Dad: It's ok son.

Tk: I missed you Daddy.

Izzy: It's Wizardmon.

Matt: What are you doing here?

[Wizardmon ignores Matt's question and sees Lillymon lying in Garudamon’s claws.]

Wizardmon: Hmm, she was attacked by Myotismon wasn't she?

Sora: So what if she was?

[Wizardmon looks over Lillymon. He summons his power and makes some symbols with his hands. A green light is emitted and he waves it over the still Lillymon. The light engulfs her and slowly her color is back. She wakes up.]

Sora: Lillymon

Lillymon: What's this? Wizardmon? Hi yah!

Tk: Wait! Stop! Don't attack him. Wizardmon's a good Digimon. He's got the tag and crest

Sora: TK, he could be lying.

Joe: No, Sora it's all true, just look.

[Wizardmon shows them the Tag and Crest]

Matt and Sora: Oh

Wizardmon: This tag belongs to Kari. We've got to help Gatomon. She was captured by Myotismon.

Sora and Matt: Gatomon?

Tk: Yeah, Wizardmon says Gatomon belongs to Kari.

Wizardmon: Now, where is Kari?

Matt (looks sad): He's got her.

[Inside the convention center Phantomon holds up his scythe. Kari is staring bravely at him, not showing her fear.]

Izzy: Gennai sent me an email a little while ago, if I recall correctly he said the TV station is the channel of Myotismon's fog barrier.

Matt: Look it's Myotismon.

[The group all look up. They see Myotismon flying past them holding Gatomon in front of him with his bats all flying around him.]

[Myotismon laughs as he sees the group.]

Wizardmon: He's got Gatomon. But not for long.

Matt: Quick let's head to the viewing platform

Matt Dad: Right, I'll show you the way.

[Matt's Dad turns around, they all take a step when suddenly in front of them. Snimon and Tuskmon appear from the ground. Snimon almost hits Sora. Matt’s digivice goes off and his Crest glows.]

Garurumon: Garurumon digivolve to.

Weregarurumon: Weregarurumon.

[Weregarurumon, Garudamon and Zudomon battle the digimon.]

Garudamon: Leave the battle to us.

Zudomon: We can handle these Digimon. Go inside and get Kari.

[The digidestined all nod and head forward. Wizardmon falls to his knees exhausted.]

Tk: Hey Wizardmon are you alright.

[Matt's Dad bends over and helps Wizardmon up.]

Matt dad: Here let me give you a hand.

[Bats make a portal allowing Myotismon to enter through the roof to the area where Kari is.]

Myotismon: I've got you my pretty and your little cat too. He holds out Gatomon.

[Outside, trying desperately to make it to the Communications Tower is Greymon. Riding him is Tai and Mimi.]

Mimi: What’s that?

Tai: Greymon hurry they need your help.

[Back inside the tower Myotismon has Kari.]

Myotismon: Little girl, why have you chosen to show yourself to me? Do you have any idea what's about to happen to you?

Kari: I've got a guess.

Myotismon: Then why?

Kari: Cause you were hurting all those people someone had to stop you from hurting innocent people!

[Myotismon looks at the small girl and is surprised by her bravery. He smiles.]

Myotismon: My, what a thoughtful little girl you are.

[The Digidestined are all running up the many flights of stairs, heading toward where Myotismon is.]

Myotismon: Why won't you look at the Eighth Child's face

Gatomon: Because she's not the Eighth Child.

Myotismon: Who is she?

Gatomon: I've never seen her in my life.

Myotismon: Is that right?

[Myotismon smiles and snaps his fingers. Demidevimon flies to Kari and pulls her hair.]

Gatomon: Kari NO! 

[Gatomon looks and tries to go to Kari.]

Myotismon: Kari interesting you know her name since you never met her before.

Matt Dad: Hurry, it's up here.

Matt: Got it Dad

[Matt and the others carry on.]

Wizardmon: Thanks for the help.

[Wizardmon starts to run off with the others.]

Matt Dad: Are you sure you’re alright?

Wizardmon: Sure, Digimon heal fast.

[With that Wizardmon darts toward the room.]

[Gatomon breaks free of Myotismon grasp and stands in front of Kari]

Gatomon: Kari!

Myotismon: Together again, too bad it'll be short lived 

[Kari and Gatomon look defiantly and strong.]

Myotismon: Grisly Wing

Tentomon: Tentomon digivolve to.

Kabuterimon: Kabuterimon

Myotismon: Hmm

Kabuterimon: Electro Shocker

Lillymon: Flower Cannon

[Myotismon stops his attack and blows a breath at the two attacks. The two energy clusters turn and go through the roof blowing the glass out of the windows.]

Myotismon: It's getting a little noisy here, let's find a place quieter

[Myotismon flies up through the roof with Gatomon, Kari, Demidevimon and Phantomon.]

Matt: Not so fast! Weregarurumon!

[The Ultimate Digimon below are just about finishing the Evil Digimon. Weregarurumon is putting a head lock on one of the giant Digimon. He looks up hearing his name being called. He sees Matt calling him, he finishes off the evil Digimon and climbs straight up the building. Digging his claws into the cement building, he runs up it. He reaches the top. Myotismon sees this and laughs.]

Sora: I am really getting sick of that laugh.

[Garudamon holds onto Zudomon's back horn and flies up after defeating the evil Digimon.]

Kabuterimon: Kabuterimon digivolve to.

Megakabuterimon: Megakabuterimon

[All the Ultimate Digimon surround Myotismon.]

Izzy: Megakabuterimon get Kari go.

Megakabuterimon: Horn Buster

[Myotismon laughs and waves his hands toward the oncoming electric ball. Megakabuterimon's attack is waved away and it misses its target. Myotismon uses his power and flicks Megakabuterimon to the right and knocking down Weregarurumon. Weregarurumon falls off the ceiling but manages to grab on to the edge.]

Myotismon: Crimson Lightning

[Myotismon’s attack hit Weregarurumon’s hands.]

Weregarurumon lets go and plummets down.

Matt: Weregarurumon!

Myotismon: Oh that's go to hurt.

[Myotismon is hit from behind. He isn’t hurt he turns around to see who it was. It was Wizardmon.]

Myotismon: What

Wizardmon: Kari! Here catch!

[Wizardmon throws her the crest and tag. Kari catches it.]

Gatomon: It’s Wizardmon!

Myotismon: So you’re still alive?

Wizardmon: That’s right it’ll It'll take more than the likes of you to destroy me.

Myotismon: We will see!

[Myotismon sends a sphere at Wizardmon knocking him into the wall.]

Gatomon: Oh no Wizardmon

Myotismon: Now give that to me you little brat!

Kari: NO!

Myotismon: That wasn’t a request.

[He puts up his hand as if to fire another sphere but at Kari.]


[Mimi goes to the other children.]

Lillymon: Mimi

Tai: You’ve just picked on the wrong guy's little sister fang face! Kari here catch!

[Tai throws Kari her digivice she holds it up for all to see but Demidevimon swoops and steals it.]

Kari: Hey!

Demidevimon: I got the Digivice, you can thank me after you take over the world boss.

Myotismon: That's nice work. Go get them Phantomon

[Phantomon goes out towards Tai and Greymon.]

Phantomon: Woaaaaaahhhhhhh.

Tai: Huh

[His digivice reacts and his Crest glows.]

Greymon: Greymon digivolve to.

Metalgreymon: Metalgreymon.

Phantomon: Woah Time out.

Tai: Go get him Metalgreymon.

Metalgreymon: Giga Blaster.

[The attack heads for Myotismon but he raises his hands disintegrating the attack.]

Tai: But how?

[Demidevimon is hovering above Tai.]

Megakabuterimon: Horn Buster.

Zudomon: Vulcan’s Hammer

Garudamon: Wing Blade

Lillymon: Flower Cannon

[All the Ultimate Digimon's attacks head straight towards Myotismon, but once again, he raises his hand and all the attacks disintegrate.]

Matt: He's strong, too strong.

[TK looks into Patamon's eyes. They both nod, knowing what they must do.]

Myotismon: Are you done? I'm bored, it's time to finish you off. Nightmare...

Patamon: Patamon digivolve to.

Angemon: Angemon

Myotismon: Now what?

[The tape went blank for a moment so a bit is missing I think]

Angemon: Hand of Fate.

[Myotismon had no time to block and is hit by it, he covers himself with his cloak. Phantomon who is beside him is destroyed. Myotismon holds himself shivering from the attack]

Angemon: Have you had enough or do you want some more?

Myotismon: Actually I was about to ask you the same question Grisly Wing.

[Myotismon launches his attack but the attack isn't aimed at Angemon but at Kari and Gatomon.]

Tai: Kari

[Wizardmon gets up and runs just in time to take the full force of the attack. With arms outstretched Wizardmon sacrifices his life to save Kari and Gatomon. Gatomon sees Wizardmon's noble act and sees his cloak being shredded. Gatomon can do nothing but look.]

T[he bats disappear and Wizardmon falls down on his back.]

Myotismon: Next time, don't get in my way!

Gatomon: Oh no!

Kari: Wizardmon...your going to be alright please don't leave.

[Gatomon kneels besides her fallen friend and comrade.]

Wizardmon: Are you alright.Gatomon?

Gatomon: (Crying) You saved me. I'm sorry.

Wizardmon: About what?

Gatomon: Sorry for getting you involved in this.

Wizardmon: Don't be sorry, I don't have any regrets. If I hadn't met you...My life would have had no meaning...I'm glad you and I are friends.

Gatomon: Best forever.

Wizardmon: Thank you for everything.

Kari: Wizardmon are you going to be ok? Please answer!

[Kari’s digivice glows]

Demidevimon: I can't hold on!

[He lets go, and Tai grabs the Digivice right from the air and with one continuous motion throws it towards Kari. Kari catches it.]

Myotismon: Not her NO!

[Kari’s crest shines and Gatomon starts digivolving.]

Gatomon: Gatomon digivolve to.

Angewomon: Angewomon.

Kari: Gatomon is an angel?

Tai: Woah

Others: Ahhhh

Angewomon: Myotismon you've tried to destroy the Digidestined and tried to conquer Earth. In doing so, you have ruined the life of Digimon and humans alike. How do you justify yourself?

Myotismon: I don't like to explain myself to the likes of you. It's my destiny to plunge this world into darkness and become King of the Digi World. And no angel or Digimon has the power to stop me!

Angemon: Don't you have any regrets for the things you have done?

Myotismon: Hah Nightmare

Angewomon: Heaven’s Charm.

[A yellow glowing ring appears above Angewomon's head. Inside is a shifting of rainbow color.]

Myotismon: My''s growing.

Weregarurumon: No

Garudamon: Everyone give your power to Angewomon

Megakabuterimon: Horn Buster!

Lillymon: Flower Cannon!

Zudomon: Vulcan's Hammer!

Weregarurumon: Wolf Claw!

Garudamon: Wing Blade!

Metalgreymon: Giga Blaster!

Angemon: Hand of Fate!

[All the attacks are directed at the ring. The attacks are absorbed, charging the rings colour.]

Angewomon: Celestial arrow!

[Angewomon raises her hand and an arrow comes. She aims at Myotismon who is practically frozen in place.]

Myotismon: No Don’t!

[She fires the arrow and it hits him straight through his heart. Myotismon cries out as the area turns black and Then a flash of light and Myotismon disappears.]

Kari: Myotismon is gone!

Tai: Kari

All: Alright we did it.

[The building starts to shake.]

Sora: Let’s get out of here before we’re crushed.

[They all hitch rides on the Ultimate digimon that can fly.]

Tai: You guys were the bomb, I don't believe we finally destroyed Myotismon!

Joe: That wasn't so tough after all.

Mimi: Yeah!

Matt: Hopefully now the real world will return to normal.

Sora: Hey you two, what's wrong?

Tk: Look up there.

Kari: The fog it’s getting thicker.

Tai: Impossible.

All: Huh!

Kari: But Myotismon is gone.

Joe: Maybe he's still out there somewhere, what if we’ve just made him stronger.

Narrator: Is Myotismon truly gone or has he digivolved into a more powerful form? Find out next time on Digimon, Digital Monsters.

[End and Credits.]