Patamon's World > Activities > Dress
Up as a Digimon Character > Tai /
Matt / Izzy (older)
Digi-Dress-Up - Tai / Matt / Izzy (older)
What you'll need:
(you can substitute things, like brand names, colours and bagginess)
- Green blazer
- White shirt
- Grey trousers
- Hair gel
- Dark blue tie (for Izzy)
- Dark zip-up sneakers (Izzy), white and blue lace-up sneakers (Tai) or brown slip-ons (Matt)
How to do it:
These are all basically the same. Izzy should have his blazer buttoned up, shirt tucked in and done up all the way to the top and be wearing a tie, and you could add a laptop as described in the 01 Izzy instructions. Matt should have the blazer buttoned up and shirt tucked in with the top button undone. Tai should have the blazer unbuttoned, shirt out of his trousers with the top button undone. All should have their hair spiked, you can see their pics on the Digidestined pages.