Season 1, Episode 25: "Princess Karaoke"
Original Air Date: November 6, 1999
English Version Written by:
Transcribed By:

(In the swan boat, Joe and Tai pedal whist Agumon sits on the roof and Gomamon relaxes up front.)

Agumon: Hey, what's with you guys? Can't you make this bucket go any faster?

Joe: What are you doing to help?

Agumon: Watching for icebergs.

Gomamon: We'd gladly trade places with you but-

Agumon + Gomamon: Unfortunately our little legs won't reach the pedals!

(They both laugh.)

Tai: Hey, we could go faster if we threw you off!

Agumon: You wouldn't!

Tai: It's tempting...

Gomamon: Better not.

(They land the boat on the shore, and look upwards at a huge palace, on top of the cliff. It's built in traditional oriental style, with lots of tapering roofs.)

Joe: Wow, that palace is huge!

All: Wow...

Tai: And way up there.

(His digivice shows an exterior plan of the cliff, with a red dot shining inside the palace.)

Tai: But there's no doubt about it. That is Mimi. So up we go!

(They climb up steps built into the rock face, and reach the huge door of the palace.)

Joe: How do they get their mail?

(From inside, they hear lots of voices. They open the door and see loads of digimon milling about - they all appear to be either Gekomon, the green frog-like ones with brass horns entangling their bodies, or Otamamon, the blue tadpoles. The lead Gekomon has a raspy voice.)

Gekomon #1: Alright, you know what to do! Wait, what are you talking about? Get out of my way!

Tai: Is this a palace?

Gekomon #1: Her Highness is getting angry!

(Cue Digimon Analyzer!)

Gomamon: Oh, these are Gekomon? I've heard about them. They really love music - not surprising since they're born with those horns.

Otamamon #1: Hurry, before she blows her top!

Agumon: And I've heard of the other digimon. They're called Otamamon.

Gekomon #1: Hurry! Hurry!

(He screeches to a halt as he spots the party of four at the door.)

Gomamon: Uh, hello? Can you help us, we're looking for someone.

Gekomon #1: 'Bout time you got here. Where's the triple hot fudge sundae we ordered for delivery to the Princess?

All: That's not us.

Gekomon #2: Then you must be delivering her bacon chilli cheeseburger with fries and a super-size milkshake!

All: That's not us either!

Gekomon #3: Of course not! They're delivering the garden-fresh salad with low-fat dressing without dessert!

Tai, Joe, Agumon and Gomamon: We'd like to ask a question if you don't mind.

Gekomon #1: Her Highness asked for a fudge sundae!

Gekomon #2: No, she wanted a bacon chilli cheeseburger!

Gekomon #3: Excuse me, she said she wanted a green salad!

Tai: Hey, excuse me! Have you seen a girl in a hat?

Otamamon #1: Hey, we're ordering lunch here!

Joe: Well then I'll have a burger!

Otamamon #1: All the Princess really cares about is that polka-dot party dress she ordered.

Otamamon #2: Old news! Now she wants pink leather pants with matching boots and accessories!

Otamamon #1: No one told me that!

Otamamon #2: Oh, get with the program!

(The Gekomon and Otamamon continue to argue furiously.)

Joe: It sounds to me like this Princess of theirs is extremely picky.

Tai: She sounds kinda spoiled if you ask me.

Agumon: I wonder what happens if they don't do what she says?

All Gekomon and Otamamon: Her she comes!

(They all stop arguing and run off.)

Gekomon #1: Presenting, her Highness, the Princess!

Tai: Cool, we're gonna get to meet the Princess!

(A figure clad in a flowing white dress and pink ribbons glides down the stairs. The camera pans up and...)

Tai + Joe: Huh? It's Mimi!

(Mimi's lost her hat, and wears a tiara instead. She also carries a fan.)

Mimi: Oh, bummer.

Tai + Joe: Huh?

Mimi: What a surprise.

(The Otamamon and Gekomon all bow down before her.)

Tai: You're telling me, what are you doing up there?

Mimi: What do you think? I'm being a princess, of course!

Agumon: So you're the spoiled princess we've been hearing about.

Tai, Joe, Agumon and Gomamon: We should've known it was Mimi!

Mimi: Don't call me Mimi anymore! That's Princess now!


(In the twisted forest, DemiDevimon communicates with Myotismon through a portal. Myotismon is still in shadow.)

DemiDevimon: Don't you worry, your mighty wickedness, this time we cannot fail!

Myotismon: We? You'd better not fail!

DemiDevimon: It's in the bag, piece 'a cake!

Myotismon: Is the plan at the palace working?

DemiDevimon: Couldn't be better. The Gekomon are spoiling her rotten and she's eating it up! If she keeps this up much longer, her Crest of Sincerity is gonna be useless, master!

Myotismon: Do you know what will happen if you disappoint me again, DemiDevimon?

DemiDevimon: I got a vague idea...

Myotismon: Good, then see that you don't.

(The viewing portal disappears with some bats.)


(In a fancy bedroom, the boys meet up with Mimi for a chat.)

Joe: Well, the important thing is that you're all right.

Tai: Yeah, that's for sure. Well come on, let's get a move on!

Mimi: No way!

Joe: Right, you wanna change first. We'll wait.

Mimi: For what? I'm keeping this dress on!

Agumon: And it's beautiful, but it's not the best thing to wear to walk long distances.

Mimi: Walking? I have no intention of walking anywhere!

Joe: Are you expecting us to carry you out of here, your majesty?

Mimi: No - I'm not going!

All: Huh?

Mimi: Why would I leave? I am a princess here. Besides, who knows if we'll ever find our way home, so I might as well live large and in charge!

Joe: You must be kidding.

Mimi: No way, take a look around! I've got a nice bed, pretty clothes, food... It's like having a birthday every day, I am a princess! And you want me to give this up? I don't think so!

(Palmon calls from outside.)

Palmon: Is something wrong?

Agumon: Another servant?

Gomamon: No, it's Palmon!

Joe: Finally, a voice of reason. Palmon, come talk some sense into Mimi.

Palmon: As in Princess?

(She's wearing a fancy dress too. All the boys fall down animé-style.)

Joe: Oh no, not you too!

Palmon: Uh-huh.

Tai: Ok, that's enough! This is no time for playing games, both of you change out of those dumb clothes and let's get out of here!

Mimi: I am not playing a game, Tai, I'm staying! You can go any time. Why don't you guys go look for the others? Be gone from my palace!

Palmon: Wait, Mimi! Don't be mean, they're our friends!

Mimi: If you wanna go, be my guest!

Tai: You are coming with us! Get down off that high horse of yours and shift your rear into high gear!

Joe: Yeah, come on! Why do you think we almost killed ourselves trying to find you? Cause you are part of the team!

Mimi: That's very nice, but I'm not going!

Tai: That's it, Mimi! Like it or not, Joe's right and we gotta stick together, so I'm not budging from this spot until you come to your sense and leave with us!

Agumon: Yeah!

Gomamon: Right!

(He squats down on the floor. Agumon and Gomamon follow suit.)

Mimi: Really? You all keep forgetting who's in charge around here!

(She rings a small bell. Instantly, a whole crowd of Gekomon and Otamamon appear in the room.)

Gekomon #1: Your Highness, what is it that you desire?

Mimi: I desire these rude and bothersome peasants to be removed from my boudoir at once!

Gekomon #1: Yes, Princess.

(The four boys complain loudly and unintelligibly as they're carried out.)

Palmon: Oh, Mimi...


(The Gekomon dump them outside the palace, on the drawbridge.)

Tai: I won't dissect frogs in biology, ok?

Gomamon: If that's the way you treat your guests, we're never coming back!

Joe: Now what're we going to do? She's totally into this digi-fairytale!

Tai: I wonder what she could've done to get them to wait on her hand and foot like this?

Gekomon #1: You really wanna know?

Tai: Oh - sure!


(The three main Gekomon and two Otamamon lead them across a bridge connecting the main castle with a much smaller building.)

Joe: You're not taking us to meet an evil digimon, are you?

Gekomon #1: Uh-uh.

Tai: What if Mimi catches us?

Gekomon #2: She won't.

(They walk into the room. It's decorated like a disco hall, and there's a very large red digimon sitting at the back, with his back towards them.)

Gekomon #3: Here's our master, Lord Shogunmon!

Tai: Woah! Somebody's had a few too many donuts!

Joe: Is it a statue, or what?

Gekomon #3: No, it's not a statue, he's very much alive!

Tai, Joe, Agumon and Gomamon: Huh?

Agumon: He may be alive, but he's not very lively, is he?

Otamamon #2: He's sleeping.

Gekomon #1: He's been this way for over three hundred years. You see, Lord Shogunmon was proud of his voice and entered this singing contest, but he lost. He felt so bad he fell into a deep sleep from which he's never recovered. It's said only a voice as beautiful as the one that beat him can wake him. For centuries we've tried, but every song's failed.

Gekomon #2: We Gekomon love music, but unfortunately not one of us has a voice that would be considered beautiful.

(A flashback shows DemiDevimon talking to the Gekomon and Otamamon.)

Otamamon #1: Then we got a break. A strange little digimon spoke of a girl with a pretty voice. He told us where to find her and we did!

(In another flashback, music kicks in, and on stage, Mimi starts to sing! Despite her performance in "Togemon in Toy Town", she doesn't sound bad.)

I wanna sing a song
A song that'll wake you up
(The Gekomon look very happy.)
And when you hear my voice
You'll call me a sweet buttercup
(The thing on Shogunmon's head lifts up...)
Just give me a listen
Ah - sorry, I forgot the words! (All the Gekomon and Otamamon fall down, animé-style.)

(The Gekomon have assembled a huge spread of food for Mimi.)

Mimi: Wow, you mean all this is for me?

Gekomon #1: Maybe this will help your remember the words.

(Back on stage, Mimi gives it another shot.)

I wanna sing a song
A song that'll wake you up
And when you hear my voice
You'll call me
... mmm...
You know, this place is too dark. How 'bout we get a disco ball and some spotlights, huh?

(The Gekomon and Otamamon all sweatdrop.)

Mimi: And of course, we'll need hair, makeup and costumes!

(The costumes are Mimi in her special dress, and some backing Gekomon with grass skirts and flower wreaths, holding tambourines and maracas. The music starts up yet again, and Mimi gets ready...)

Mimi: Oh, I'm tired - let's pick it up tomorrow!

(End flashback.)

Otamamon #1: And that's the way it's been, one excuse after another!

Gekomon #2: We've done all she's wanted - we've even redecorated the entire palace for her. I used to like pink, but now I can't stand to look at it!

Otamamon #1: And if any one of us complains to her...

(Short flashback effect.)

Mimi: Woah, be careful, you wouldn't want me to lose my voice, now would you?

Otamamon #2: So we're in a terrible position, you see, we're totally helpless.

Joe: Unfortunately, you've given Mimi the life she's been accustomed to, and then some!

Gekomon #2: Well, since you're friends of hers...

Otamamon #2: Could you please reason with her, please? We'd be so eternally grateful.

Agumon: I don't think she knows what reason is!

Tai: Just leave it to me, guys! I've got it!

Gekomon #3: I knew it, I knew you'd come through!

Both Otamamon: Yay!

Joe: What are you thinking, Tai?

Tai: Well, who says you need Mimi to wake up Jumbo? Crank it up and let me take a shot!

(Everyone sweatdrops.)

All: You?

(They all start laughing.)

Tai: What're you laughing at?

(Turn it up!)

I'm gonna sing a song!
A song that will wake you up!
I'm gonna belt it out!
Shogunmon is gonna get uuuuuuup!
Hey, wake up!

Joe: Hey, let me give it a shot.
I'm attempting to sing a song
A song that'll awaken you and aid all the Gekomon that are loyal to your world view and the idea of you being in charge
I'm attempting to sing a song
A song that'll awaken you and aid all the Gekomon and...

(Everyone else shakes their head sadly. It's Agumon's turn, with Gomamon providing backing vocals!)

I croon this song to you!
A tune from now until June!
When you hear us sing
You'll call us singing foghorns!

Agumon + Gomamon:
We just wanna wake you up!

So don't close your ears!
Or you can sleep for years!

Joe: It's no use...

Tai: After that he may not wake up for another three hundred years!

Palmon: Hey guys!

(She walks up to them, still wearing her dress.)

Tai: Palmon!

Palmon: Why did you all disappear like that? It's like you weren't even happy to see us!

Agumon: What are you talking about? In case you hadn't noticed, Mimi's gone nuts!

Palmon: Yeah? Mmm...hmmm... Now that I think of it, she has kinda gone off the deep end, I mean even for her!

Tai: Oh, uh, you noticed?

Gomamon: You're so observant.

(Palmon giggles sheepishly.)


(Outside Mimi's boudoir, the four boys sit with a tape deck ready.)

Joe: So she'll be performing, and won't even know it?

Tai: Yeah, and we'll get the whole thing on tape!

(A wire extends from Tai's tape deck, through the window and into a karaoke machine inside the room.)

Gomamon: Watch it!

(Mimi and Palmon come into the room. Joe and Agumon duck out of sight, then peek through the window.)

Mimi: What's this?

Palmon: It's a karaoke set.

Mimi: Yes, I can see that, but what's it doing in my royal chambers?

(Palmon laughs nervously.)

Palmon: I just love hearing you sing, I thought you might give us a private concert! Here!

(She hands Mimi the microphone.)

Mimi: Hmm...

(The familiar beat to "I Wanna Sing A Song" starts up.)

Palmon: Thanks, you're the greatest! Now, feel the music, feel the music!

(Mimi gets pumped up...)

Joe: Tai, is she falling for it?

Tai: Mmm-hmm.

(Tai has a pair of headphones on.)

Mimi: Hmm, hmm... huh, what's that cord for?

(She follows the path of the wire, and spots Gomamon's paw and the tops of Joe and Tai's heads through the window.)

Mimi: I see...

(Mimi takes a deep breath, then screams as loud as she can down the microphone, and straight into Tai's ears! Everyone outside screams at the extremely loud noise.)


(In the palace dungeons, Mimi (assisted by several Gekomon, who look indifferent) lock Tai, Joe, Agumon, Gomamon and Palmon in the jail cell.)

Mimi: So, you thought you could pull a fast one on Princess Mimi, did you?

Tai: That's Princess Meanie!

Agumon: Yeah!

Joe: Who do you think you are, anyway? Don't you remember we're your friends?

Mimi: I remember you tried to trick me...

Tai: We tried to trick you because we're trying to save you! Have you completely forgotten about the Crest of Sincerity?

Agumon: Have you completely forgotten it's not nice to lock people up in your dungeon? Where's your manners?

Mimi: Hmph.

Tai: Wait!

Palmon: Uh, before you go, I have something I wanna tell you. Nobody likes you more than I hurts me deeply to have to say this,'re a spoiled brat!

Mimi: (gasp) Is that a fact? Well it's nice to know how you really feel! Hmph!

(She marches out, accompanied by the Gekomon. We can see the shadow of Sora at the window.)

Sora: What can I do?


(Night time in the palace. Mimi's dreaming. It's not a very nice dream, as it features Devimon and Etemon advancing menacingly upon Mimi. The Gekomon and Otamamon appear.)

Mimi: Hurry, stop them! I've got to have your help!

All Gekomon + Otamamon: Sorry.

Mimi: Oh yeah? Well then I won't sing any more!

Gekomon #2: Big deal. You didn't sing even when we did what you wanted.

Gekomon #3: You're on your own.

(They walk away from her and disappear.)

Mimi: Wait, don't leave, I'll sing for you, I promise!

(Devimon and Etemon continue to advance. The four boys appear, with Palmon.)

Mimi: Oh! Help me, please?

Tai: Sorry, but we only help our friends.

Agumon: What's wrong, Mimi?

Joe: What's the matter? I thought you were having the time of your life...

(They fade from view, until only Palmon is left.)

Mimi: Palmon-

Palmon: I gotta go now, Mimi. Goodbye...

(She too fades. Devimon and Etemon are now too close for comfort. They reach out to her...)


(Mimi tosses and turns in her bed at the palace.)

Mimi: Oh...won't anybody help me...? Palmon, don't leave me!

Sora: Hey, hey!

(Mimi wakes up and sees Sora at her bedside.)

Sora: Hey, Mimi.

Mimi: Where am I? What?

Sora: Do you have any idea what that horrible dream was trying to tell you, Mimi?

Mimi: I'm sorry! Oh, I really am!

Sora: Well then you know what you have to do to make things right.

Mimi: Yes...

(Sora takes Mimi's hand.)

Sora: Atta girl. I knew you'd find yourself again.

(Everything turns to whiteness as Mimi is woken up again by a shining green light - from her Crest.)

Mimi: The Crest? Sora?


(In the jail cell, all five prisoners are asleep. Palmon is using Tai's lap as a pillow.)

Gekomon #1: Alright, wake up! The Princess wants you.

Tai: Is she gonna chop off our heads?

Joe: Don't even joke...

(They go to the disco hall.)

Otamamon #1: What's going on?

Joe, Tai, Agumon and Gomamon: What's she up to?

(Mimi - in her normal clothes - rises from below the stage.)

Mimi: First of all there's something I have to say to everyone here - Tai and Joe, Agumon and Gomamon, Palmon - all of you've been so nice, I'm so sorry!

Gekomon #1: What's she saying?

(Everyone looks shocked.)

Mimi: I've been such a little idiot. If you can find it in your hearts to forgive me, and I don't know why you would, but if you can, then I'd be honored to sing for you one more time.

(She's crying, and it shows in her voice.)

Palmon: We forgive you!

Gekomon #1: Of course we do. Sing, your highness!

Mimi: Oh...thank you...

Palmon: Hit the lights and cue the music!

(The song starts up again.)

I wanna sing a song!
A song to bring Shogunmon around!
When he hears my voice,
I hope he likes the sound!
He has to listen,
Listen to my sincere heart!
I've learned my friends are friends even when they're apart!
(The boys hand-jive to the music.)
I've asked my friends to forgive me from the bottom of my heart! (The background is colorful.)
If it's my choice, his eyes will open wide,
And the Gekomon will be cheering
- (The thing on Shogunmon's head is almost fully raised.)
Cheering with pride...

(The music stops abruptly. Mimi stops singing, as Shogunmon gets up and turns around. He has the same eyes as the Gekomon, but they look much meaner, and he has two brass horns entwined around him. Cue Digimon Analyzer! Which, incidentally, states his name as ShogunGekomon - this is his correct name, but since he's referred to in dialogue as "Shogunmon", that's what I'm calling him.)

Gekomon #2: Don't panic, it's our lord and master Shogunmon, finally restored to us after so many centuries!

Shogunmon: I was having such a nice sleep. Which one of you clowns woke me up, or should I just squish all of you?

(Everyone runs away from Shogunmon, as he smashes the walls of the disco hall.)

Gekomon #1: Women and Gekomon first!

Joe: And I thought I was cranky when I first wake up!

Gomamon: Give me the mean Mimi back any day!

Gekomon #1: Whose idea was this? Remind me never to listen to him again!

Shogunmon: You wanna hear some music?
The ground will shake
When you hear the noise I make
Because I'm glad to be awake...

(He claps his hands together, and a huge fissure breaks down another of the hall's walls, catapulting everyone into the sea. Mimi remains in the hall, and rocks fall towards her.)

Mimi: Aaah!

Palmon: Mimi!

(Cue digivolution animation!)

Palmon: Palmon, digivolve to...

Togemon: Togemon!

(Togemon smashes the rocks out of the way with one hand.)

Togemon: That was a close one.

Mimi: Can you forgive me?

Togemon: Of course I can.

Mimi:'re the best! Oh, thank you!

(She hugs one of Togemon's huge boxing gloves.)

Togemon: I'm just glad old Mimi's back.

Mimi: Really? You mean it? Then let's take care of this out of tune goon!

(She grabs the microphone. Amazingly, it's still functioning.)

Mimi: Hey you! How 'bout some gratitude! I sang you out of your three hundred year sleep, you wannabe crooner!

Shogunmon: All that racket? It was you?

(Shogunmon comes towards Mimi.)

Mimi: Uh-oh...

(A Harpoon Torpedo from Ikkakumon explodes on the floor between Mimi and Shogunmon. He looks downwards and sees Ikkakumon and Greymon standing on the beach, with Joe, Tai and the Gekomon and Otamamon.)

Shogunmon: Oh, have you come to play?

Greymon: Nova Blast!

Ikkakumon: Harpoon Torpedo!

Shogunmon: Now it's showtime!
Now why'd you try that?
'Cause I'll knock you flat
And now you're gonna feel it

(He claps his hands, and the two attacks self-destruct, blowing Greymon and Ikkakumon back a ways.)

Tai: Did you see that?

Joe: Yeah, he gives new meaning to the term 'flat note'!

Shogunmon: Watch out below!

(He jumps down and is about to land on them, when...)

Greymon: Greymon, digivolve to...

MetalGreymon: MetalGreymon!

(...MetalGreymon, making his second appearance, knocks him back up! Mimi and Togemon jump down to meet Tai and Joe, and Tai's digivice vibrates fiercely.)

Tai: Yeah, give it to him, MetalGreymon!

MetalGreymon: Giga Blaster!

(MetalGreymon shoots his twin missiles

MetalGreymon: Giga Blaster

(MetalGreymon’s twin missiles fly into Shogunmon’s two brass horns. They explode and create a cloud of smoke. The smoke clears and the building has been reduced to rubble, Shogunmon’s tail thinge is sticking out)

Mimi: He deserved to hear that last flat note, don’t you think?

(Everyone laughs and Mimi joins in. The camera zooms out to reveal the castle)

Tai: Well, ready to go Mimi?

Mimi: Yeah...Do you think I could take some of my princess clothes with me?

Tai: Mimi!

Mimi: Well it just seems such a waste! The jewels at least?

(Scene switches to show a tall mountain)

Myotismon’s Voice: Didn’t you say you knew what would happen if you failed?

(DemiDevimon is suspended above a fire, flapping his wings, panicking. A ball and chain are attached to his right leg)

DemiDevimon: Well, when I said I knew, I didn’t really mean I knew, knew, you know what I mean? But now that I do know, if it’s not too much trouble sir, could I bother you for a glass of water?