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Crest of Hope: Patamon's World - D-Power - Season 3 Episode Guide
Patamon's World > D-Power > Episode Guide > Episode 18: "Digital Beauty"

Digital Beauty

Season 3, Episode 18

summary written by Caroline

This episode starts with Rika and her mother at a photo shoot. It seems that Rika's mother has arranged Rika to become a model even though Rika doesn't want to become one. Rika is disgusted at her mother for doing this to her. She would have thought that her mother would have given up the thought of her becoming an model, but poor Rika realizes that she hasn't won yet, and that there is no way out of this photo shoot. She knows that she will just have to try and enjoy it. Soon, Rika tries on a pink dress which she doesn't like at all. She reckons that the dress is too tight and that pink isn't her colour, but as usual her mother won't listen to her, telling her that it looks good and that is all that matters. Rika knows that there isn't much she can do about the dress, so once again she pushes herself toward the camera man and his camera.

When onto the photo shoot, Rika soon learns that being a model is quite easy. She doesn't really have to do that much. All she finds herself doing is standing there like a stick which she figures is a bore. But has she stands there like a stature, she learns that not all camera men are as normal has they look. While she stands there she can hear the camera man saying weird comments like, “You like the camera, you love the camera, the camera is you're new boyfriend.” and “Love that look! You're afraid! You're a bunny in the bush!” Rika at first can handle these comments, she isn't too bothered by them, and in fact she is more worried about the flashing camera lights which are flashing right in her eyes. But then...the camera man says something which turns Rika's insides into ice. He says, “You're going to be famous, baby. Just like your mum.”

This freaks Rika out because the one thing Rika has always feared in her life was being like her mother. Being like her mother, in her opinion, would be like being a clone to her mother and that's something Rika doesn't want. A few seconds later and Rika can't stand the room's bright lights anymore. All she knows is that she wants to get out of the room and that she no longer wants a camera being pushed right into her face. So, with one more second and she pushes the camera and the camera man on the ground and she starts to run away everything. The stress, her mother, the camera and anything else that bothers her. She just wants to run. Her mother tries to stop her, but unfortunately there is nothing that Rika's mother can do to stop her.

Meanwhile, at Henry's apartment, Takato and Terriermon watch Henry work on his computer. At first there is silence in the room. It is oblivious, that the threesome are all worried about Renamon and they all wonder why Renamon wandered off with Vajramon. Finally, Takato asks this question out loud. He also states that maybe Vajramon put a wacky mind control on her. Terriermon disagrees with this by saying that Renamon is too “stubborn” so even if Vajramon did try it there would no chance of it working. After they discussed this, Takato decides that maybe they should go out and search for Renamon. But straight away, Henry dismisses the idea saying that their chances are skim, and even if they did have Rika with them they still wouldn't have much of a chance finding Renamon.

Meanwhile, Rika is back in her normal outfit again and she is standing on top of a bridge, she isn't taking much notice of the things that are happening around her. Instead she just stares down at her D-Power's compass waiting to see if it will show her any clues to Renamon's whereabouts but unfortunately, the D-Power doesn't show her anything about where Renamon could be. Rika soon gives up and heads back home in defeat. Even though, she would never admit this to any living creature, she really does miss Renamon, and she really wants to find her. But, in her head, Rika wonders if Renamon really wants to be with her at all. In her mind there is a shower of doubt dripping down inside. Rika really doesn't know what to do.

Meanwhile, at Rika's house, Rika's mother is complaining to Rika's Grandmother about how much of a disaster the photo shoot was. Rika's mother had thought that Rika would have tried harder with her job, but instead, she got the disappointment of watching Rika stand like a dead donkey. Rika's mother goes on a bit more about how Rika attacked Coco the photographer. She then adds that when Rika comes home, she will have to have a long talk with her. Rika's mother knows that the way Rika acted at the photo shoot wouldn't get her into any of the famous magazines, and to have that happen would be totally disastrous. There would be no one to take her place when she got too old to do modelling and what Rika's mother had always wanted was to have Rika to take her place. But now, she realizes that Rika will have to have a lot of training to get to that spot. This is when Rika's Grandmother comments that she isn't surprised that Rika didn't do well in the photo shoot. She, for one matter had realized long before Rika's mother that Rika didn't want to be a model. But, still Rika's mother doesn't care and she tells Rika's Grandmother that she will do everything that she can to change Rika's mind.

Meanwhile, at the town's local swimming pool, some women are commenting on one of the female swimmers who at the very moment is swimming in the pool, so she can't hear what these people have to say. It turns out that they are not happy with the way she is stealing all the men because of her good looks. They also reckon that she is too skinny. But, even those rumours aren't dragging her down. Instead after getting out of the pool, her mobile rings and it turns out that it is another man calling her to see if she wants to go on a date. As usual, the girl whose name is Riley has to refuse because once again her job steps right into her plans. After saying good night to the man, she gets ready to go to work.

While, she is walking to work, she stops at a bakery which happens to be the same bakery which Takato's parents own. She decides to buy something to eat there, but while she is looking for something to buy she sees a boy with goggles on his head, which happens to be Takato. She is quite shocked with what he is wearing. She has never really seen anything like this in her whole life. But she soon forgets about the boy with the goggles and buys something to eat and starts to walk home. While, she continues to walk towards the towers, Riley can't help but think of those kids who seem to be the only people who can defeat the wild ones. Riley can't help but wonder why those kids and their pet Digimon are the only people that can defeat these wild ones. She would have thought that they would have just been able to use a computer to get rid of them, since the wild ones are made out of data. But, now she is not quite sure.

When she gets to the towers she runs into Tally. Tally comments on the make up that Riley had used, she then asks if Riley had a date. When Riley says that she doesn't, Tally starts to comment about how unfair it is that she never gets asked out, unlike Riley who seems to get about ten men asking her out per week. Riley says that it could have something to do with the dead rabbit's foot that Tally carries around with her. Tally doesn't agree with this, because she has always reckoned that her dead rabbit's foot gave her luck. But, before Riley can comment about this, both Tally and Riley both get a report from Yamaki that another wild one has appeared, and they both have to get to their stations.

Finally, Rika has arrived home. She had spent a long time searching for Renamon but she hadn't had much luck, and also, she had been trying to avoid getting home, because she had realized that her mother would want to talk about the way she had acted on that photo shoot. And, Rika had been quite right. It only took Rika's mother two seconds to walk up to the door and start to yell crazily at Rika and saying that they have to talk about the photo shoot. But of course, Rika doesn't want to talk about this, so she just walks past her mother without listening to a thing that her mother had said before that. This makes her mother quite unhappy.

Meanwhile, Terriermon is staring out of the window in Henry's room when he comments that he is coming. Henry then asks if Terriermon means Vajramon. It turns out that Terriermon does mean him, so straight away; Henry rings up Rika and tells her about this. And, soon both Henry and Rika agree to meet up near the area where Vajramon is. After Rika is finished talking to Henry she quickly gets her bike and starts to ride away from her house. She then meets Henry and Takato half way. Terriermon is sitting on Henry's head and Guilmon is sharing the bike which Takato is riding. Poor Takato at this point is wishing that Guilmon would pedal the bike instead of him; he is starting to realize that it's not easy trying to pedal a bike with someone else on board.

When they get to the location they noticed that everything around them is foggy and right away they realize that a Digital Field has appeared, and that Vajramon could be right around the corner. Rika and Henry then put on their sun glasses and Takato puts his goggles over his eyes. After that they start to run around the corner where they finally see Vajramon and Renamon. It seems that the two Digimon are having a conversation, and during this conversation Vajramon asks Renamon a question which surprises the Tamers and their Digimon. Vajramon asks Renamon if she would like to become a Deva. This shocks Renamon at first, because she had never have thought he would have asked her this. At first she thinks that she would be better off saying no...But then she realizes that this could be a chance to get some valuable information.

The first question she asks is who is this Sovereign, that Vajramon keeps talking about. Vajramon says that the Sovereign is his leader whose aim is to take over the human world.

Hidden around the corner, Takato says to the others that he had a feeling that the Devas were doing this in the first place. The other Tamers start to discuss about this a little, but then they stop discussing the topic when they see Calumon in the same place where Renamon and Vajramon are talking. Straight away they know that they could have a big problem. Takato realizes that all that Calumon always wants to do is play, and knowing Calumon he would think that Vajramon was a friend of Renamon's, and would start playing some sort of game with the other Digimon. And, Takato soon realizes that he is right, when Calumon jumps down from where Renamon was from up above and starts to run up to Vajramon asking if he would like to play a game. At first Vajramon ignores him, but after a few minutes of this, Vajramon gets sick of Calumon so he starts to chase Calumon all over the place and then Vajramon tries to hurt Calumon by trying to step on Calumon's head with his hooves. But, Takato and the others aren't going to let that happen. So, instead of hiding around the corner like mice, they run out of their hiding place and Guilmon and Terriermon both Digivolve to their Champion forms.

They try their best to destroy Vajramon but it becomes obvious that the Deva is too powerful for the two of them. Renamon quickly looks towards where Gargomon and Growlmon came from to see Rika slowly walking towards her. Renamon quickly tells Rika to stay where she is. Renamon really doesn't what Rika to get hurt. But slowly, Renamon starts to realize that Gargomon and Growlmon need her help, so she jumps down from where she is and uses Diamond Storm on Vajramon. Vajramon is shocked about this, because he had thought that Renamon was going to join her side. But he knows now that he was wrong. But, since he is under the orders of the Sovereign, he knows that he has to somehow change Renamon's mind so she will join the Sovereign with his plans. So he decides that the only way how to change her mind is to attack her and force her to join with the Sovereign.

Vajramon realizes that pain can do a lot to your pain, and he has a feeling that will be the thing to help him win Renamon over. So he starts to slash Renamon with his sword hard, but before he can do much damage, she Digivolves into her Champion form and starts to attack Vajramon with some of her most powerful attacks. But unfortunately, they don't seem to do much harm to Vajramon. The only thing that happens is makes Vajramon want to fight her even more. Finally, it comes to the point where she can barely stand anymore. Vajramon isn't impressed about this because he would have reckoned that she would have been more powerful, but he starts to realize that she is just pretty without any real power. So he starts to use his attacks even harder on her. He is slowly hoping that maybe she will give in and join them. But he starts to realize that she would rather die than join up with him and the remaining Devas.

Meanwhile, Rika is starting to stress with what is happening. She knows in her heart that there must be something that she can do. But she also has a feeling that there really isn't anything that she can do. There are no longer any cards left for her to use. The only thing that Rika is wishing for right now is that she wished that Renamon had been able to Digivolve into her Ultimate form. But, Rika knows that it is too late for wishing for that now....that's when Rika checks her pockets for any cards that she may have missed, and that's when she finds it....a blue card. With the power of Calumon and the blue card, Rika is able to make Renamon Digivolve to her Ultimate form, Taomon. Rika is amazed by how much Renamon has changed. She now looks like half fox and half human. Vajramon is shocked by the form that Renamon had chosen to become. He knows straight away that his master wouldn't want such a Digimon that looked like such a human. He then tells Taomon what he thinks of her new form and says that his master would never want her because of how much she now looks like a human. Taomon says that she no longer cares what he thinks, and then she insults his master. This makes Vajramon mad. He knows that no one makes fun of the Digimon Sovereign, and he then knows that he will have to destroy Taomon once and for all. So with that Vajramon once again tries to destroy Taomon with his swords. But this time he has no luck. The clothes that Taomon is wearing seem to help her avoid Vajramon's attacks. And, soon enough she is able to destroy the Deva once and for all.

Meanwhile, Riley and Tally are shocked that the wild one disappeared. But they are aware of the new Digimon that they had seen before them today. They both realize that it was in the shape of a type of human. This shocks Yamaki and the others. They never thought that a Digimon would turn into something like that. But they know that there isn't much they can do about it. They will just have to wait and see what it will do next.

After Taomon had defeated Vajramon, she turns back to Renamon and the others decide to go home because it is quite late and all their families will be wondering where they are. But before Rika goes home she says that she is quite amazed with Renamon's new form. She then says something that surprises Renamon even more. Rika then says that the thing that amazes her more is how heroic Renamon looks standing in the moonlight. Rika then starts to ride towards home knowing that her mother will be giving her another speech when she gets home. And, Renamon is left wondering if Rika will keep saying these nice comments to her.

Nothing much as far as I know. D:
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