Patamon's World > Digivice > Digital Technology > DigiArmour-Eggs
DigiArmour-Eggs |
DigiArmour-Eggs are used in Armour-Digivolution. They are used because the Digimon Emperor's control spires prevent the Digimon from Digivolving normally. The Eggs carry the crests on them and they have a trait of the Digimon on them as well. (Weird but true). They digivolve the Digimon to a new level, called Armour or Co-Champion. These are the eggs. (The Digimon and DD listed here are the ones who actually get the eggs, but all the Digimon can digivolve using each egg. Click here to get the table of who digivolves to what using each egg.) | |
Armour-Egg of Courage | |
Digidestined: Davis Digimon: Veemon Armour-digivolves to: Flamedramon |
Davis gets this DAE at the beginning of S2 (Ep.1, "Enter Flamedramon"). Tai can't lift it - no one can except Davis. Veemon pops out from under it. |
Armour-Egg of Friendship | |
Digidestined: Davis Digimon: Veemon Armour-digivolves to: Raidramon |
Davis got this egg when the kids were fighting DarkMetalGreymon (Ep.11, "Storm of Friendship"). Patamon saved Veemon, T.K. saved Patamon and Flamedramon wanted to know whether Davis would do that for him. During the fight, all the other kids proved their friendship to their Digimon, and finally Davis realised how much Veemon meant to him. That's when the egg appeared. |
Armour-Egg of Miracles | |
Digidestined: Davis Digimon: Veemon Armour-digivolves to: Magnamon |
This DAE was powering the Digimon Emperor's base. When Davis destroyed the engine, he got the egg (Ep.20, "Darkness Before Dawn"). It allows Veemon to GoldenArmour-Digivolve. |
Armour-Egg of Love | |
Digidestined: Yolei Digimon: Hawkmon Armour-digivolves to: Halsemon |
Yolei picked up this egg after Sora tried to move it, with no luck (Ep.2, "The Digi-Team Complete"). Hawkmon shot out from under it. |
Armour-Egg of Sincerity | |
Digidestined: Yolei Digimon: Hawkmon Armour-digivolves to: Shurimon |
When Digitamamon was being rude to the kids, Yolei snapped at him and discovered things inside her she didn't know were there (Ep.14, "Samurai of Sincerity"). She spoke sincerely about herself and got the egg. |
Armour-Egg of Knowledge | |
Digidestined: Cody Digimon: Armadillomon Armour-digivolves to: Digmon |
Cody picked this one up after Izzy couldn't (Ep.2, "The Digi-Team Complete"). He found Armadillomon under it. |
Armour-Egg of Reliability | |
Digidestined: Cody Digimon: Armadillomon Armour-digivolves to: Submarimon |
Cody saved Joe to get this one, conquering his fear of water (Ep.16, "20,000 Digi-Leagues Under the Sea"). He didn't want the egg but Joe talked him into it. |
Armour-Egg of Hope | |
Digidestined: T.K. Digimon: Patamon Armour-digivolves to: Pegasusmon |
It looks like a Golden Snitch! T.K. found it in a temple with Kari's (Ep.3, "A New Digi-Tude"). |
Armour-Egg of Light | |
Digidestined: Kari Digimon: Gatomon Armour-digivolves to: Nefertimon |
Kari found it with T.K.'s in a temple (Ep.3, "A New Digitude"). |
Armour-Egg of Kindness | |
Digidestined: Ken Digimon: Wormmon Armour-digivolves to: Cutiemon |
Ken's only egg. It was actually not found in the TV series, but since Ken has the Crest of Kindness he'd probably have the Armour-Egg of Kindness as well. |
Armour-Egg of Destiny | |
Digidestined: Willis Digimon: Terriermon Armour-digivolves to: Rapidmon | |
Patamon and Gatomon warp-digivolved to release this in Digimon: The Movie (part 3). It was needed to fight Kerpymon. It lets Terriermon GoldenArmour-Digivolve. This egg is also sometimes called the Digi-Egg of Fate. |