Patamon's World > Tai's Digi-pinions > 4 For 4: Best Goggle Boy
4 for 4: Best Goggle Boy
by Mac McFearson
Before you proceed, understand this: the respect for all those mentioned in this article, and the ones to follow, should go without saying. And remember these are my opinions, and I stand by them whole heartedly. With that said, let's roll.
In the weeks [and possibly months] ahead yours truly will
take a careful look back on the four seasons of Digimon that have been and
do my best to try and select the best from the even better. I’ll go through
six categories in all including the finale consisting of the dissection of
all four seasons and the naming of the one I felt best represented what a
great anime should be. We’ll get things started by looking at one of the
most important aspects in any digimon season, the good old goggle boy.
4; Daisuke “Davis” Motomiya
Starting us off is 02’s resident goggle boy, Davis. There isn’t much that can be thrown at Davis, to knock him. So why is he four on my list of all-time goggle boys? Well somebody has to be. He could’ve easily been first, but as in all of my lists, this is a very tight race and it’s the small things that will make the difference.
True, Davis fulfilled all the usual typical goggle boy
requirements. [Head]strong, brave, not too bright, but always a natural born
leader. Those are all great, but it’s nothing the others on this list haven’t
done. The major difference between Davis and the other goggle boys is that
his circumstances weren’t quite as overwhelming. You see, while the others
on this list all had to learn on the fly as to how they’re supposed to lead
their Digidestined team to save two worlds, Davis had the luxury of Taichi
there to teach and advise. This isn’t to say Davis didn’t accomplish a great
deal, it’s just that it’s difficult to place Davis above someone who didn’t
have the advantages that he had, and yet still produced similar positive
results. Sorry Davis, you take fourth on a technicality.
3; Takuya Kanbara
At the thrice spot we have the newest in the line of goggle boys, Takuya. Takuya is a good solid fundamentally strong goggle boy. Courage, leadership, inclination to do the right thing, the ‘goggle boy works’. In fact a close look reveals a considerable likeness to Tai of 01. No teacher, or even example of any kind to pattern himself after. Also Takuya and his group---like the Tai and his---entered into the Digital World suddenly with little idea of what was going on. Yet immediately Takuya stepped up into leadership role and from the get go did a nice job. This is one rookie certainly deserving of some props.
The only knock against Takuya: originality. Unfortunately
I believe Frontier came around too late for Takuya to be fully appreciated.
All that he’s done is great, but not only have the other goggle boys done
it all, they did before him. It’s a shame, if Frontier came out even just
a season sooner Takuya could possibly even be number one on this list. He’s
done everything a goggle boy should do, and he’s done it as good as any of
them. But I wouldn’t feel right putting him in front of people of equal---or
higher---merit who’ve been doing it since well before him. Aw well, rookies
gotta pay they dues.
2; Takato Matsuki
And to the final duce. Takato, as Tamers’ goggle boy, resides in the number two spot on my list. And I assure you, the decision between one and two was the hardest of any. Takato has made quite a case to be called the best goggle boy throughout any series. He was by-far the most original goggle boy. Takato had a sense of realism to him. He didn’t act so much like super hero that you found his character hard to believe and relate to. That’s a great advantage he has over every other goggle boy, characterization. It’s easy to relate to Takato as a real person with real inner struggles and issues. That element is necessary as a good leader. Although a leader should exhibit strength and control, people don’t want to follow someone who never seems to show common emotions like fear, uncertainty, or excitement. They want someone who they believe understands what everyday people go through. Takato was the perfect example of this.
Takato also had no teacher, all he had was an unrealistic expectation of trying to live up to the greatness he saw in Tai and Davis in Adventure and 02. But he had no one to help understand what it took to be that, he had to grow, learn, and mature on his own to become the leader he needed to be. And when that happened, Takato showed some of the best goggle boy skills we’ve seen.
The unfortunate irony of Takato is that his strength may
also be his weakness. As impressive as it was to see him grow into a premier
goggle boy, in those early parts of the season he struggled. Unlike the other
goggle boys who almost all jumped in right away and took over. That is indeed
a small thing to throw at him, but as I said in #4 [Davis], it’s a close
race and the small things will separate these guys.
1; Taichi Kamiya
And at the number one spot, a well deserving Tai who’s
illustrious career spanned over both Adventure and 02. Although his role
was significantly different in each season, his consistency in excellence
remained unchanging. The uniform positives and negatives that were present
in all goggle boys are indeed here in Tai as well. His trademark courage,
headstrong, natural born leader, and often leaping before looking. And his
leadership skills alone could easily be the best ever.
Greatest Goggle Boy Of All-Time: Taichi Kamiya.
This section opens soon.