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Patamon's World > Izzy's Laptop > Episode Guide > Episode 13: "The Legend of the Digidestined"

The Legend of the Digidestined

Season 1, Episode 13

summary written by Rachel

T.K. and Patamon are at Primary Village. The babies are playing with them and T.K. suggests a game of hide-and-go-seek. None of the babies want to play hide and go seek, because Leomon is watching them from the top of the cliff. Patamon sees Leomon ad warns T.K. Patamon uses his Boom Bubble, but it doesn’t work.
They hide and Leomon is joined by Ogremon. He threatens to hurt one of the baby poyomon. Leomon, by this time, is standing over T.K., sword raised. Patamon gets scared because he can’t digivolve. Then, a blue stream emerges from the forest. It’s Matt, riding on Garurumon. T.K. gets a boost of spirit. Ogremon is still holding the Poyomon until a pair of white gloved hands snatched it away. It’s Tai, with Greymon. Ogremon challenges Greymon to a fight, and Greymon swats him.
Six black gears fly out of Infinity Mountain. Leomon and Ogremon continue fighting. The black gears fly into Leomon, making him much taller and much stronger. Garurumon doesn’t give up, despite Matt’s warning. Leomon uses Fist of the Beast King n him, and knocks Garurumon over. He does the same thing to Greymon.
We hear Devimon’s voice commanding Leomon to bring him the smallest child. He starts toward T.K. Patamon tries to protect him, but ends up getting squeezed by Leomon. Togemon comes out of nowhere and delays Leomon. Kabuterimon shows up with Izzy and Mimi on board. They tell him about the digivices and Tai agrees to use it [flashback to when the digivice fell out of Tai’s bedclothes under Leomon’s foot and turned him good in Evil Shows His Face].
Matt is getting T.K. off the ground and Leomon has recovered from Togemon’s surprise. Matt protects T.K. until Tai walks over, digivice in one fist. He challenges Leomon to a fight and Matt thinks he’s lost his head. tai holds out his digivice and it starts shining on Leomon. We see the black gears starting to come out of Leomon’s back. Matt uses his digivice to help and they manage to purify Leomon.
Ogremon wonders how they can do that and Kabuterimon uses his Electro Shocker. He backs off. Leomon is sittng, back against the tree, to all the kids except Sora, Joe, and their partners. He tells them a story:
According to anciend legend, our world will be seized by a dark force that will turn good digimon into bad digimon. Our ancestors have predicted that a group of children called the digidestined will appear from another world. When they arrive, they will posess super powers that will eventually save out world. I believe their prediction has come true. File Island has been seized by an evil force. We’re in danger of destruction and now you’ve appeared.
Tai asks him why he believes that they’re the digidestined. Leomon says that his ancestors has predicted that the children had the ability to make digimons digivolve. They all cheer for going home until Matt asks about Devimon. tai goes up for it and Izzy goes next to him. Agumon stands up and so does Mimi. Matt and T.K. are the last ones.
Devimon is at the top of the mountain. He says that he has a trap for them. Black gears come from all over File Island. Sora and Joe spot the black gears. Joe is riding on Ikkakumon, and Sora is sitting on Birdramon’s claw. They don’t know what’s happening over there, and they don’t want to find out.
Tai and the others have reached the top of the mountain. Devimon appears, much, much, much, much bigger than when they saw him last. Tai tells Agumon to digivolve, and the others reach the champion level except Patamon. Devimon shoots a beam at them and they are driven back against the wall.
Ikakumon’s Harpoond Torpedo stops the beam and distracts Devimon. They attack, but Devimon blocks each attack. Leomon turns to fight, but he has his hands full with Ogremon. Devimon has caught Birdramon and throws her at Greymon and Garurumon. Whenever a digimon is about to fight, Devimon just throws another one at them and they both get injured at the same time.
Devimon turns to T.K. He’s about to grab him when Garurumon pushes his arm out of the way. T.K. gets out of the way. All of the digimon grab some part of Devimon’s body. He shoots out his black beam and everyone falls beside their partner.
Devimon reaches his hand towards him. Patamon stains himself to digivolve, but it’s no use. Patamon flies in front of T.K. Devimon’s fist closes with Patamon in front of T.K.
A bright light shoots out of Devimon’s fist and he lets go. It goes toward the sky and we see the digivolution lights and Patamon digivolves to Angemon.
Everybody’s digivices let out a white light that goes to Angemon’s staff. His staff shrinks and his fist starts to glow. He knocks Ogremon out of the way. Hand of Fate! He destroys Devimon and the island begins to glow. Devimon’s data and Angemon’s data appear. Devimon tells them that they are foolish because there are other digimon out there and some of them are stronger than he was(he must be desperate because he was always saying that he was the strongest digimon). Angemon disappears last and T.K. cries for him to come back. Angemon says that he will come back if T.K. wants him to.
Feathers float down towards T.K. and gather in a pile. It turns into Angemon’s digiegg. T.K. promises to take care of it. Sora tells everybody that the island is coming back together again.
On a cliff, Mimi complains that they weren’t going home. Rocks move and a little projector appears. A being appears on the screen. The man (Gennai) tells them that he’s heard of them and that he’s pleased. Tai asks him to tell us who he was and what he wants.

Nothing much as far as I know. D:
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