Enter Flamedramon
Season 2, Episode 1
The episode starts with a summary of what the original Digidestined are doing now. Tai's in high school, Matt's trying to make it as a rock star, Sora's taken up tennis, Izzy's...also in high school, Mimi moved to New York and got a really weird frizzy orange hairstyle and Joe is in medical school.
The Digimon Emperor has taken over the Digital World and is putting Dark Rings on all the Digimon. Gatomon narrowly escapes being Dark Ringed but loses her tail ring.
T.K. and his mum have just moved into a new apartment building and T.K. meets a girl called Yolei and a boy called Cody in the lift. They walk to school together, where T.K. thinks he's seeing Tai playing soccer, except it's a boy named Davis.
Agumon calls for help and Tai hears him. Tai goes to the Digital World to find Agumon.
Meanwhile, Kari and Davis are settling into class 5A when the teacher, Mr. Hamasaki, introduces a new student and tells him to go sit next to Kari. It's T.K.! T.K. says to Kari that they're together again, and Kari says "Just like old times!". Davis gets wildly jealous and says T.K.'s making a move on "his girl".
Tai and Agumon meet up with Gatomon and Patamon, who lead them to a cave. Tai sends an email to the real world telling the DD that the Digimon need their help. In the back of the cave, they find an egg with a spike sticking out the top of it and the Crest of Courage on it.
Back in the real world, Davis confronts T.K. about how he knows Kari, and T.K. says Davis is jealous. Davis gets mad and says he isn't jealous of anyone. Then Yolei rushes in with Tai's email and Kari, T.K., Davis and Yolei go off to the computer room. Izzy meets up with them and tells them he got the email, too, but his computer ran out of batteries. Yolei gets all starry-eyed about Izzy wanting to find her. In the computer room, Izzy opens the gate to the Digital World.
Back in the Digital World, Tai tries to lift the egg. He can't, but three balls of coloured light rush out of it.
Cody comes to the computer room and Yolei goes off to fix his computer. Davis wants to go to the Digital World but the others tell him he can't. The balls of light come through the gate and Davis gets one and Yolei and Cody each get one. Davis holds his up and they realize it's a Digivice. T.K., Kari and Davis all go through the gate and Izzy is about to go through when Yolei and Cody run in.
In the Digital World, Davis investigates a vending machine and is surprised when he gets surrounded by Numemon. T.K. and Kari think it's marvellously funny. Then they meet up with Tai, Agumon, Patamon and Gatomon, and go back to the cave, where Gatomon tells them how a Unimon attacked her and she lost her tail ring, and about the Digimon Emperor and his Dark Rings which stop the Digimon digivolving.
Back in the real world, Yolei is getting mad at Izzy because she knows he's hiding something. Then she shows Izzy her Digivice and tells him Cody got one too. Cody goes home to pick up the brownies his mother baked.
In the Digital World, T.K. and Kari try to lift the egg, but they can't. Then Davis tries and lifts it. Veemon comes out from under the egg and introduces himself. The Digimon Emperor sends Monochromon to attack the kids. They run away and Veemon tells Davis how to use the Digi-Egg. Davis activates the egg and Veemon armour-digivolves to Flamedramon to defeat Monochromon. Then they return to the real world, where they land on top of Izzy, Cody and Yolei, who are eating brownies.